27 May, 2012

9 Tips for Flat Abs

No. 1: Improve Your Posture

Slouch and your stomach pooches. So straighten up, and you've done your abs a favor without breaking a sweat! For better posture while standing, align your ears over your shoulders, shoulders over hips, hips over knees, and knees over ankles. Keep the fronts of the shoulders open like a shirt on a hanger, instead of a shirt on a peg. Draw your navel to your spine and keep your weight even on the balls of your feet and your heels.

No. 2: Think Whole-Body Exercise

Don't get so into your abs that you overlook your other muscles. Your core muscles also include your glutes and back muscles, for instance. Pilates is one way to work all of the core muscles, plus the arms and legs, for a whole-body workout that does strengthens the abs -- and more.

24 May, 2012

MOTIVATION: your fitness fear.

MOTIVATION: your fitness fear.
What are you afraid of? 
Failing? The minute you TRY you are succeeding. 
Are you afraid that it will be hard? It will. Get over it. You’re stronger than you think.
That it will hurt? You’ll be sore. For a while. And then you’ll be stronger.
None of your fears are permanent. But your success will be something that no one can take away.
Face your fears head on. Sign up for the class/race/goal that scares you. And then go back for more. 
(Source: jjustine05, via xxilovetorunxx)

MOTIVATION: stretch it out.

MOTIVATION: stretch it out.
Tight, tired, stressed out muscles need stretching. 
Don’t forget to include your brain there, too.
(Source: arecoverypath, via yogurtyoga)

MOTIVATION: you can go further than you think

Just try. One more set. Ten more minutes. Five more reps. One more sprint. Maybe two. Just try. Your body will prove your head’s self-doubt wrong. Your heart knew all along. But you have to try. You’re stronger than you think. You’re tougher than you think. You’re more resilient than you think. You will succeed. But you have to try. And keep trying. And keep trying. You will succeed. But only if you try.
-The HUNK.