12 February, 2014

Gyan Narayan Maharjan

Concept/Photography - Bikram Malla Thakuri 
Professional Body Builder :- Gyan Narayan Maharjan 
Ass. Cam :- Praveen Karki

©Bikram Malla Thakuri's Photography

For the love of BODYBUILDING

Vitamins and minerals


Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9 .... 

A vitamin is a biological enzyme or its co-factor

A biological enzyme is a molecule that enhances the speed of a specific biochemical reaction, in the human body, 1 million times! The enzyme itself is not consumed in the process. 

The biological enzyme acts as an template upon which the reacting molecules attach briefly, before being converted to chemical products. 

For such a biochemical reaction to take place, another molecule or atom called a co-factor is usually also required. 

The co-factors in biochemical enzymatic reactions may be vitamins or ions of one of the basic elements, e. g. ions of zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iodine, or selenium. 

The basic elements may form crystals, i. e. aggregates of identical ions (atoms) forming a grid according to their specific chemical properties. Such an aggregate is called a mineral.

Both vitamins and minerals are necessary for the body to function properly. If your body does function properly, it means that it has received all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Sicknesses, diseases, or bodily injuries which won't heal may be a result of deficiencies in one or more vitamins or minerals. There is a whole catalogue of diseases that arises from vitamin or mineral deficiency. 

It is a fact that a proportion of people with incurable diseases or bodily injuries may get well, simply by taking one single supplement pill of vitamins and minerals per day.


Vitamin A

Vitamin A (retinol) is a fat-soluble molecule that is important for the vision, a healthy development of

Sachit Pradhan

Fitness Tip of the Month.

While doing any physical exercise, always keep in mind your own fitness level and do not push yourself beyond your capacity. This will only lead to discouragement and, even worse, potential injury!