26 March, 2012

Sagar Rajbanshi-Exclusive Interview

Sagar Rajbanshi, born on 1989,January 26 from Dhulabari Jhapa is one of the uprising star in Bodybuilding.We have seen his dedication and hardwork thru his improvements.Everytime when we check his pictures we gotta see some new changes.On last months Fitness contest on our Facebook page "JustGym Dharan"he had to make himself satisfied with Runner-up.
He has never been out on stage but dreams to be on stage someday.At present he is residing in London.Inspite of hard working hours he always has and manages time for his workouts and trains with full dedication.Here we have short but exclusive interview that we had with him.Hope you all get motivated and support this sport in Nepal.

*So Sagar ji,since when are you here in London?
-I've been here since 2and half years,I still remeber the date..I came here on 2009,September 21.

*How and since when did u get interested and motivated toward fitness and bodybuilding?
- Since my school days,when i was in school i used to pass through our Gym there in Dhulabari.I used to see my seniors training and gettin pumped......and i got inspired/motivated.It was my dream to have good physique.

*So since when did you start your training?since those school days?
-I started training since back home but i was not getting shape or better say I was not improving.But now its been 1year here in London and I think am getting what I want...I mean,am improving.

*What are your future plans/targets on this field(bodybuilding)?
-I just have one dream of participating in any of the Bodybuilding competitions back in Nepal or if possible,if they have Mr.UK Nepal here.

*Do u see any difference between Gyms in Nepal and out there in London?  
-Yap,ofcourse.first of all the equipments are much more advanced and most of the gyms here are fully equipped.And the major thing is Gyms here are 24hours open,so that we can train anytime after working hours,on our free time.

*What would you like to suggest all the beginners,who have same dream like you of having good physique,what would be the main focus point?
-For all the beginners and youngsters,first of all i would like to let you know that it looks easy from outside but the reality iswhen you get into the gym and start training you will find its not easy...its hard but not impossible.
The other thing is you should always have a target..keep someone as your target and think "If he did it,than why not me,I can do it"than you can see yourself moving forward to achieve the goal.Do also takecare and focus on proper balanced diet,say no to junk foods.

*Your last words for all the people who know you and are getting inspired from you???
-First of all i would like to thank all the facebook users and JustGym Dharan well-wishers for giving this oppurtunity to expose myself and JustGym Dharan for taking me as Fitness Model.I would like all to please share the page "JustGym Dharan" and support for further movement.
And,to all who are interested in Bodybuilding,I just wanna say"Just wake-up and go on,just deduct some time which you spend on Facebook and go for workout.
Thank you.

We really really appreciate your words and patiently giving us your time from your tight working schedule.Wish you all the best for your future and would sure like to see you someday on stage performing and winning the Title too.

Admin team,
JustGym Dharan. 

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