20 July, 2011

Girls best ABS Workout

Girls need a strong abdominal routine to help them stay fit and trim. Having strong abs will help you stand taller, improve your balance and make you look leaner. You can get a toned midsection by performing three sets of eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise. Plan to train your abdominals three days each week. To track your progress, try measuring your waistline or taking before and after photos every four weeks. If you have extra weight to lose, increase your cardio to five days each week. The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of exercise, most days of the week.

Step 1
Perform some cardio exercise. Before training your abs, do a 20 minute cardio routine. Whether you decide to workout indoors or out, choose interval training to get maximum results out of your time. Interval training consists of bursts of intense activity followed by a recovery period. For example, if you are exercising outdoors, try walking combined with short bursts of jogging. This can also be done indoors on a treadmill. If you are riding a bicycle or using an elliptical trainer, mix in a few short sprints. Every three or four minutes, do one one minute of more intense activity, and repeat until your cardio session is over. While cardio is not an ab-toning exercise, it will help your body burn fat, and this will allow your ab muscles to show through.

 Step 2
Do some sit-ups. Good, old-fashioned sit-ups are an effective way of toning your abdominals. Begin lying on the ground with your knees bent and arms crossed over your chest. Slowly begin to lift your shoulder blades off the ground, and continue until you are sitting up. Slowly return back to starting position. If you are having trouble, you may uncross your arms and swing them to help you gain momentum. You can also give yourself a small push with your hands until you become stronger. If you would like added resistance, you can hold a dumbbell in front of you during the exercise.

Step 3
Do the plank. Begin in a basic push-up position, hands directly under your shoulders, forming a straight line from your head to your toes. Then, lower to your elbows so that your weight is now resting on your forearms. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then rest and repeat two more times. As you become stronger, hold the position for up to one minute. If the move is too difficult, you can modify the exercise by dropping to your knees. Once you get stronger, try the move again from your toes.
Step 4
Train the lower abdominals with reverse crunches. Begin lying on the ground with your knees bent and hands at your sides for support. Lift your knees off of the ground. Slowly roll your knees towards your chest. When you can't go any further, lift your hips slightly off the ground. Hold for one count and return to start. If the move is too difficult or bothers your lower back, place your hands underneath your lower back to provide additional support.
Step 5
Perform bicycle crunches to help tone your oblique muscles, better known as love handles. Begin lying on your back with knees bent, feet on floor and hands behind your head. Raise legs off the floor, creating a 90 degree angle. Slowly lift your shoulder blades off the ground. Bring your right elbow towards your left knee, twisting. Switch sides, bringing left elbow to your right knee. This is one repetition.

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