28 August, 2011

Easy Exercises to Get Abs for Girls

With obesity rates on the climb, more girls are searching for ways to achieve the elusive six-pack. While ab exercises can strengthen and tone your rectus abdominis muscles, you will need to adopt a broader weight-loss plan to help you remove fat from your midsection. For best results, combine regular core exercises with a low-calorie diet to begin sculpting your abs.
Abdominal Crunches
Practically every girl has performed some variation of this potent ab exercise. Begin by lying on an exercise or yoga mat with your knees bent and your feet resting on the mat. Cross your forearms over your chest and exhale as you begin curling your upper torso toward your knees. Unlike situps, abdominal crunches are designed to keep your abs engaged throughout the exercise by briefly pausing once your body reaches a 45-degree angle off the ground. If you're new to ab workouts, don't be surprised if your stomach begins shaking as you perform these.

Vertical Leg Crunch
The American Council on Exercise gave this exercise high ratings for its effectiveness in toning the rectus abdominis muscles. Think of this workout as a combination between leg lifts and regular abdominal crunches. Begin by lying on the exercise mat with your legs squeezed together. Interlock your fingers and place them behind your head as you slowly raise both legs until they are pointing straight up in the air. As you lift your legs, begin curling your chest toward your knees as if you were doing an abdominal crunch, resulting in a two-pronged workout for your abs.

Row Boats
Row boats are an ab exercise for girls seeking to train the lower abs. Begin by sitting upright on the mat with your knees bent and your feet off the ground. Raise your hands to shoulder height, and slowly recline your upper torso backward while extending your legs until they are completely straight. Hold this position for three to five seconds before slowly returning to the upright position. Your butt should be the only part of you touching the floor.

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